
1. 试管婴儿技术的认知情况



In the survey, we found that most women's understanding of IVF technology is still at a superficial stage, and they are not clear about the specific operation process and success rate. Some people still have certain misunderstandings and prejudices, thinking that IVF is an unsafe technology and harmful to the body. Therefore, relevant institutions need to strengthen the publicity and explanation of IVF technology, so that more women can understand the real situation of this technology.

2. 对试管婴儿技术的期望和担忧


In the survey, we found that women have different expectations and concerns about IVF technology. Some women hope to realize their fertility wishes through IVF technology, but at the same time they are also worried about the safety and success rate of the technology. Other women are worried that IVF will cause harm to their bodies, and are concerned about the pain during the surgery and the discomfort during the recovery period. Therefore, relevant institutions need to provide more comprehensive and professional consultation and support for these expectations and concerns.

3. 对试管婴儿技术的经济承受能力



The survey shows that the cost of IVF technology is an important factor that many women consider. Due to the high cost of IVF technology, many women believe that they cannot afford such economic pressure, so they give up the idea of using IVF technology. For this phenomenon, relevant institutions can consider introducing more flexible payment methods or providing certain financial support, so that more women in need can enjoy the benefits of IVF technology.

4. 对试管婴儿技术的家庭支持和社会关怀


In the survey, we found that many women are influenced by family support and social care when considering the use of IVF technology. Some women are worried that their family and society will have a negative attitude and impact on their choices, so they will feel more difficult and anxious when deciding to use IVF technology. For this situation, relevant institutions can strengthen publicity and education for families and society, so that more people can understand and support IVF technology, and provide more psychological and emotional support for women.

5. 对试管婴儿技术的未来展望



In the survey, we found that many women are full of hope and expectation for the future prospects of IVF technology. They hope that IVF technology can be continuously improved and perfected, improve the success rate and safety, so that more families in need can realize their fertility dreams through this technology. For these expectations, relevant institutions need to increase research investment and technological innovation, continuously improve the level and quality of IVF technology, and bring hope and happiness to more families.