

In vitro fertilization (IVF), also known as test-tube baby technology, is an assisted reproductive technology that involves fertilizing an egg with sperm outside the body and then transferring the healthy embryo to the uterus to achieve pregnancy. This technology provides a way for couples who are unable to conceive naturally to have children and has become a highly regarded medical reproductive technology.

邵逸夫医院 试管婴儿,杭州邵逸夫试管婴儿检查明细解析


1. 体格检查


Before undergoing IVF-ET treatment, a comprehensive physical examination is conducted, including measurements of height, weight, blood pressure, and other indicators to ensure that the patient's physical condition is suitable for IVF-ET treatment. In addition, gynecological examinations and male semen analysis are also performed to comprehensively assess the patient's fertility status.

2. 生殖激素检查


Hormone tests are an important indicator for evaluating a patient's fertility. Female patients undergo hormone tests for estrogen, progesterone, follicle-stimulating hormone, and other reproductive hormones during the menstrual cycle, while male patients undergo hormone tests for testosterone, sperm concentration, sperm motility, and other reproductive hormones to understand their fertility potential.

邵逸夫医院 试管婴儿,杭州邵逸夫试管婴儿检查明细解析

3. 卵巢超声检查


Ovarian ultrasound examination is an essential part of IVF-ET treatment. It involves using ultrasound technology to observe the development of follicles in the ovaries to determine the optimal time for egg retrieval and ensure the quality and quantity of eggs.

4. 质量检查


Sperm quality testing is an important indicator for evaluating male fertility. By examining the density, motility, morphology, and other indicators of sperm, a comprehensive understanding of the quality of sperm in male patients can be obtained, providing important reference for subsequent IVF-ET treatment.

邵逸夫医院 试管婴儿,杭州邵逸夫试管婴儿检查明细解析

5. 子宫内膜厚度检查


Endometrial thickness examination is an important indicator for evaluating the growth of the endometrium in women. By using ultrasound to examine the thickness and morphology of the endometrium, the optimal time for embryo transfer can be determined, increasing the success rate of the transfer.

6. 遗传疾病筛查


Before undergoing IVF-ET treatment, patients and their spouses undergo genetic disease screening to understand the genetic disease status of the patients and their families. This helps to assess the patient's genetic risk and provides important reference for avoiding the spread of genetic diseases.

7. 心理评估


IVF-ET treatment places high demands on the psychological state of patients, so doctors conduct psychological assessments to understand the patient's psychological condition and coping abilities. During the treatment process, doctors provide psychological support to help patients cope with the stress and anxiety of the treatment.

8. 营养咨询


Nutritional counseling is an important part of the IVF-ET treatment process. Doctors develop nutritional plans based on the individual circumstances of the patients to help them maintain a good nutritional status and improve the success rate of the treatment.


As a professional reproductive medical center, Shao Yifu Hospital provides comprehensive IVF-ET examination services, offering a one-stop fertility solution for patients. By conducting comprehensive examinations and assessments of patients, doctors are able to develop personalized treatment plans, improve the success rate of IVF-ET treatment, and provide important assistance to couples struggling with infertility to realize their dreams of having children.